Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Senior Tower Climb

"If growing up means
It would be
Beneath my dignity to climb a tree,
I'll never grow up,
never grow up,
never grow up
Not me!"
-Peter Pan

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Even though poetry seems to have emerged as my preferred expressive method, my mom's blog constantly reminds me of the poetic power images can have. So, today I have decided to post a selection of the photographs I took over the weekend.

This summer I will work as a gopher ("You go for this, and go for that.") at Mo Ranch Presbyterian Conference Center. I grew up going to camps here and loved every minute.

When I'm taking pictures of nature (as opposed to my crazy friends) I like to play around with the sunlight. Also, Mom introduced me to the Japanese boka (boca? bokka?) method of focusing on the foreground, which I find a fun experiment.

Some shots work better than others, but it's fun to play around with the technique. As you can see, I love the yucca. They're such a strange mix between sharp lines and the succulent blossoms. Couldn't get close enough to sample their scent (those needle tips are sharp!), but I bet they smell rich.

Also, the Mo Ranch grounds keepers very kindly rolled out their blue bonnets for my viewing pleasure.

Welcome home.